Hey everyone;

Hope your having a great week… looks like our break of cooler weather is over and we are heading to the famous Vegas Hot weather…. When its too hot to move around I like to spend the time generating support…One of the worst feelings is to be in that creative space, with the creativity oozing out only to realize that you have nothing to work on and your left hanging… From an artist perspective, support is all the materials and supplies needed to help keep the creative process alive… I always like to have at least 2-3 canvas’s ready for when I hit my creative stride.. being in that creative space and having little or no support to work with,  is a real buzz-kill…. The difficulty for me is due largely to the size… because they are larger than what I can buy at the stores,  I  have to make most of my canvas’s…….  so when making my canvas’s I start the support process…from  choosing of the frame, to stapling the unprimed canvas… then gesso, (couple of coats depending on quality of the canvas)… Some sanding,  trimming, and addressing all other misc issues…… then we are ready to get started…. when living the creative lifestyle its very important to have support to work with… For me, I usually designate one day a month and make it a support making day….. Although it seems like a long and difficult process, it is the only way I would go… I think it really adds to the overall concept of being original and one of a kind….. besides that….I just think its very cool……. for me there is nothing more genuine  or more sincere than original art……. Now I am off to get the other kind of support……emotional support…….lol…… Have a great week everyone…. talk to you soon



recent studio pic of support drying and hanging on studio wall….

canvas prep


this is the start of my support……how it all gets started……. the beginning