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The Entrance
Hello Everyone, and Happy Cinco de mayo !!!
Sieglinde and I are finally back from our fantastic journey to the Philippines and I am happy to report that we are back and busy in the studio…. Here is my most recent piece… while cleaning my studio I found some unused resin, and decided to produce a couple of pieces.. this one is 24 x 24, resin, and ink on wood panel, it is titled the “the entrance”. This piece is super glossy and looks great.. hope you all enjoy, we will have another one out shortly.
Hey Everyone;
Hope you are all well….. not sure about you but i am really glad spring is starting to show up….here is my latest creation.. it is 48 x 48, oil, acrylic, gold leaf on canvas…. it is titled, “Conflicted” …. Sieglinde and I are taking some much needed time off, so the studio will be dark for a month… We’ll be back at it when we return… hope you all have a great spring…. Talk to you all soon
currently untitled…..

Hey everyone; I have been so busy I totally forgot to put this up on our site. This is my one I finished several weeks back.. This is 48 x 48 oil on canvas… currently untitled.. Hope you all enjoy… been really taking advantage of some much needed studio time.. talk soon …….peace ……………..james
Starting out 2019
Hey everyone; Always good to start the new year with some new work. This creation is 48 x48 mixed media, copper,silver, gold leaf, oil, on canvas. Hope you all have a healthy and successful 2019… we’ll have another one out shortly… talk soon.. …peace …………..james

Finally getting some time in the studio

Hello everyone; Hope you are are well. Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Seems like craziness is a real disease lately…relieved to get back in the studio. Here is my latest creation… it’s 48 x 50, oil, paper, glue on wood, currently untitled. Hope you all enjoy, We’ll have another one out shortly.. peace……….. james
Early morning outside the studio
Early morning in the desert, outside the studio.. #enjoyyourday #aoj #artofjames #studioartist #creative #abstractpainting #originalart #contemporaryartist ….james

Connect the dots

Hey Everyone;
Hope you are all fine… Can’t believe its already Easter… Just finished this piece… its 40 x 40, Oil on canvas.. its titled “Connect the Dots”.. As an entrepreneur and a business man its important to be able to see through all the everyday static that so many of us have and connect the dots. Clear vision gets clear results ….. talk soon… I’ll have another one out shortly…
we all have detour’s
Hey Everyone; Hope you are all doing well… Here is my latest creation.. it is 6ft x 4 ft, oil and gesso… it is titled “Detour” .
Life’s detours
Sometimes life will present you with an unexpected detour. Sometimes you’ll spend a lot of time and effort, and end up right back where you started. Such times are no reason for despair. Rather, they provide an opportunity for renewed determination and commitment.
Sometimes, things will not go as you planned. When that happens, keep in mind that much of life’s richness comes from its unpredictability.
Rather than cursing the detours that life throws your way, explore what they have to offer. Even though you’re not moving in the direction you intended to go, you can still make positive progress.
No moment is wasted when you live it with passion and purpose. Every sincere effort brings a valuable reward, even though the result may not be exactly as you planned. Getting there the fastest is not nearly as important as making the most of every moment.
Value and enjoy the journey, even when there are detours along the way.
— Ralph Marston
We will have another one ourt shortly… talk soon …….peace ………..james

“may all your walls be filled with original art”
Hey Everyone;
Hope your holiday season is not too crazy… seems like its been awhile since we last blogged… been busy in the studio creating some new work….. Heres a recent pic of some Christmas cheer around the house…
We are excited to announce that we have completed the redesign of our Website. Easier navigation, enhanced viewing of the art work, and a simplicity we all love… So make sure you stop by and check us out. Please sign up on our website.. then you are always up to date with our latest creations and showings. Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas and creative 2018. May your year and your walls, be filled with original art…lol… www.artofjames.com
talk soon…..peace.