Hey Everyone;
Well the dark cloud is lifting…. and after the 8th visit …. the refrigerator finally got repaired… lol… sorry for the delay in our weekly blog… but the good news is we are back and on schedule…. I recently was enjoying the cooler nights of Las Vegas having a cigar and some tequila with an artist friend and we ended up discussing the issue of artist outgrowing their art… Living in Las Vegas I see artists come and go… almost like a running faucet that you can’t turn off… some seem promising and other fizzle out… for me I also relate it to the fact that the artist has outgrown their own art and is frozen …. surprisingly enough when I did some research there are some great artists who have changed their styles and grown as a result of it….Picasso for instance—passed through several stages of change in his work, whether by theme, technique, or style. My belief is that artistic growth is in direct correlation with how you grow as a human being. My personality, my character, and even my taste and style have been constantly changing throughout my entire life. Inevitably, my artistic needs are involved in this ebb and flow of change…. so at the end of the day its about the journey, the experiences we have, the people we meet, and the lessons we learn… so join me, there is still plenty of room on this creative ride….. good seats still available…lol…
Have a great week everyone, new work out shortly…
Heres a pic from 2008 … My early style of abstract and writing… this is titled beautiful crazy… it is 4 ft x 6 ft.